кухненско оборудване

За компанията

Качество Елегантност

Ние издирваме и предлагаме най-съвременните и иновативни продукти.

От революционни решения в кухненското оборудване,  до всичко необходимо за сервиране на маса и почистване.

При нас вие ще намерите  пълен набор от оборудване.

Ние сме социално отговорна компания, работеща в хармония с пазарните условия чрез политика на лоялност, прозрачност и коректност. Вниманието към своите служители и отговорността към идното поколение заемат централно място в корпоративната политика на дружеството.



Core Services

Discover Our

Website Design

The whole community is interested in growing the
FOX prize. The company is planningz

Software Design

The whole community is interested in growing the
FOX prize. The company is planningz

Graphic Design

The whole community is interested in growing the
FOX prize. The company is planningz

Mobile App Design

The whole community is interested in growing the
FOX prize. The company is planningz

Digital Marketing

The whole community is interested in growing the
FOX prize. The company is planningz

UI/UX Design

The whole community is interested in growing the
FOX prize. The company is planningz


Project Completed


Team Member


Awards Winning


Happy Customer



Our Team

Professional Team
Behind us

Gohendra Maris

Founder & CO

Goladria Gomez

Full Stuck Developer

Alexzender Loriss

UI/UX Designer

Megan Wilson

Branding Designer

Hamma Diney

Graphic Design

Lauren Mitchell

UI/UX Designer

Gohendra Maris

Founder & CO

Може да разгледате нашият

Към каталога
Our Award

Award WE Get Over
The decade

2018 Innovation
Excellence Award

B2B Satisfaction
Achievement 2019

Outstanding Design
Innovation Prize 2020

Webmaster's Choice
Award 2022

Excellence in Digital
Creativity 2022

Best Web Development
Accolade 2024


Happy Client

Goladria Kim
Fashion Designer

“Super & Reliable Service”

Ovix has been a game-changer for our online presence. Their website design and development team took our vision and turned it into a stunning reality. The results speak for themselves – our website has never looked better.

Karen Hills
Fashion Designer

“Super & Reliable Service”

Ovix truly understands the importance of user experience. Our website was transformed into a user-friendly, visually appealing platform that has significantly improved our engagement metrics. The Ovix team is not just an agency; they are our digital partners, and we couldn't be happier with the results.

Goladria Kim
Fashion Designer

“Fully satisfied with Avix service”

Ovix truly understands the importance of user experience. Our website was transformed into a user-friendly, visually appealing platform that has significantly improved our engagement metrics. The Ovix team is not just an agency; they are our digital partners, and we couldn't be happier with the results.

Gomatica Fanades
Fashion Designer

“Best service I ever Get”

Ovix has been a game-changer for our online presence. Their website design and development team took our vision and turned it into a stunning reality. The results speak for themselves – our website has never looked better.
Blog & Article

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